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How to Paint a Business that is Open Seven Days a Week | Ron’s Paintin

Jul 23, 2014 -- Posted by : ajpereira

Ron's Painting


Serving Sanibel and Captiva Islands, Fort Myers, Naples, Bonita Springs, Estero and Cape Coral, FL.

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How to Paint a Business that is Open Seven Days a Week | Ron’s Painting

Many times businesses that are open seven days a week need interior painting done.  They are apprehensive in hiring a painter to do the work, not knowing how they could get the work done. Here is one example of how you can successfully paint a business that is open all week long.

We just finished painting the ceilings of City Tavern in downtown Fort Myers.  The restaurant is open from 11 am till 2 am, seven days a week.  Our crew went in one morning at 5:30 am and covered all furnishing with drop cloths, removed ceiling mounted signs, hand-washed all of the ceilings and rinsed with clean water, and patched all holes. We then cleaned up our mess and walked out the door at 10:30 am.

The next morning we arrived again at 5:30. As you can see in the photos we covered everything again with drop clothes, covered the bar with plastic and painting the ceilings with one coat of paint.



We were cleaned up and out the door this time by 10 am, as you can see in these pictures.  The following Monday we finished painting the final ceiling area by 8 am.  Each day the restaurant was put back the way we found it, floors swept and ready for the patrons to arrive at 11 am.



We were able to take care of our client in a timely manner and not affect their hours of operation on any given day by arranging our start times to accommodate our clients’ needs.  By the way, a little plug for City Tavern, food is fresh and great tasting.  Great place to stop in for lunch if you are in downtown Fort Myers.



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