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Painting Tips: Removing a Mirror from a Wall

Jun 19, 2016 -- Posted by : ajpereira

When removing a mirror from a wall many times homeowners will find big black blobs of glue left over from the glue that was used to hang the mirror. After they have scraped off the black blobs they find that the top coat of drywall paper has come off and the inside of the drywall is exposed.

They think “Okay no problem” and then they put joint compound over the areas to try and smooth out and let it dry. However they find that the area under the patch has bubbled and this area will not smooth out.

If this has ever happened to you it is very frustrating. You find yourself wondering “Now what do I do?” and “How can I seal this area so the joint compound will cover over the hole?”


In the above picture you will see when we have sealed the areas where it looks like there may have been glue used to hold up a mirror. For the sake of this blog, we used a pink primer so it would show up. What we used was Cover Stain oil-based bonding primer. We roller the primer over each area that we were going to patch and allowed it to dry.

We then smooth coated over the entire wall with joint compound to fill in the areas where the glue was removed, but to also make the wall smooth before applying texture.

By using an oil based primer, it seals the dry wall so that when you use the joint compound the water in the joint compound does not loosen the drywall under the patch and cause a bubble.

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